Focus And Scope
Accounting and Auditing Azzukhruf Journal focuses on publishing online the results of research, studies, scientific thinking for academics, accountants, finance, decision-makers in various agencies, governments, other self-governing bodies and accounting and finance practitioners. Through the publication of this scientific paper, it will add knowledge, insights and the latest scientific findings for authors and readers on a national, regional and local scale which will be implemented in the community consisting of two focus field groups, namely Accounting and Auditing:
Accounting Field : |
Audit Field : |
1. Financial Accounting |
1. Compliance Audit |
2. Public Sector Accounting |
2. State Finance & Treasury Audit |
3. Management & Cost Accounting |
3. Corporate Governance Audit |
4. Accounting Information System |
4. Shariah Audit |
5. Educational Accounting |
5. Capital Market Audit |
6. Sharia Accounting |
6. Operational Audit |
7. Computerized Accounting |
7. Information System Audit |
8. Sustainability Accounting |
8. Forensic Audit |
9. Tax Accounting |
9. Audit of Financial Statements |
The publication of Accounting and Auditing Azzukhruf Journal in one year is published 4 times. By maintaining the consistency and quality of writing as many as 5 articles per publication, and the Accounting and Auditing Azzukhruf Journal provides opportunities for the academic community and practitioners to publish the results of research, studies, thoughts, and analyses on Accounting and Auditing.