Archive Policy

Azzukhruf: Journal of Management and Business is dedicated to the long-term preservation, accessibility, and dissemination of its published content. This archive policy ensures that all articles remain available to researchers, practitioners, and the academic community.

1. Digital Preservation

All published articles are digitally preserved through reliable archiving systems to ensure accessibility and integrity. These systems adhere to international standards for digital preservation.

2. Institutional and Disciplinary Repositories

Authors are encouraged to deposit their articles in institutional or subject-specific repositories, ensuring proper citation of Azzukhruf: Journal of Management and Business as the original source.

3. Third-Party Archiving Services

To safeguard its content, Azzukhruf collaborates with third-party archiving services, such as:

  • LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
  • CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe)
  • Other recognized digital preservation initiatives.

4. Author Self-Archiving

Authors are permitted to archive their work on personal or institutional platforms under the following conditions:

  • Preprint (Submitted Manuscript): Authors may share preprint versions with an acknowledgment that the article is under review at Azzukhruf.
  • Postprint (Accepted Manuscript): Authors may share the accepted version with acknowledgment of its acceptance by Azzukhruf.
  • Published Version (Publisher's PDF): Authors may share the final published version provided it includes proper citation and reference to Azzukhruf: Journal of Management and Business.

5. Backup and Redundancy

Azzukhruf ensures regular backups of all digital files and maintains multiple copies in different secure locations to minimize risks of data loss.

6. Access and Retrieval

All published articles are freely accessible on the journal's official website and archived repositories, ensuring global availability and compliance with open-access principles.

7. Policy Updates

This archive policy is subject to periodic review to align with technological advancements and best practices in digital preservation. Any updates will be communicated via the journal’s official website.

For more information or assistance regarding the archive policy, please contact the editorial team at Yayasan Az Zukhruf Cendikia
Address :
 Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan No 154 LK III. Kota Padangsidimpuan. Sumatera Utara
E-Mail :
WhatsApp : 083899449399

This policy reflects Azzukhruf's commitment to the preservation and accessibility of scholarly content for the benefit of the global academic community.