Archive Policy

Archive Policy of Azzukhruf: Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance

The Azzukhruf: Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance ensures the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. The journal's archive policy is designed to safeguard scholarly contributions by utilizing trusted archiving systems and platforms.

Key Features of the Archive Policy:

  1. Digital Preservation:
    Articles published in the journal are digitally preserved using platforms such as LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS). These systems create decentralized archives to protect against data loss or corruption.

  2. Institutional Repository:
    The journal encourages authors to deposit their work in institutional repositories or other recognized repositories in compliance with the open-access policy.

  3. National Library Deposits:
    Copies of all journal issues are archived in national and regional libraries to ensure permanent availability for research and academic purposes.

  4. CrossRef and DOI System:
    All articles are assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), enabling accurate and persistent linking to their online versions, even in cases of journal website changes.

  5. Back-Up and Migration:
    Regular backups are maintained, and provisions for format migration are in place to adapt to technological advancements. This ensures continued access to the journal’s content across future digital platforms.

This comprehensive policy reflects the journal's commitment to maintaining the integrity, accessibility, and longevity of scholarly communication in the field of Islamic Accounting and Finance.