
  • Accounting and Auditing Azzukhruf Journal

    "Accounting and Auditing Azzukhruf Journal" adalah jurnal ilmiah yang berfokus pada publikasi artikel penelitian dan kajian dalam bidang akuntansi. Jurnal ini dirancang untuk menjadi platform bagi akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi untuk berbagi temuan terbaru dan inovasi dalam teori dan praktik akuntansi. Jurnal ini mencakup berbagai topik dalam akuntansi, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada akuntansi keuangan, manajemen akuntansi, audit, perpajakan, sistem informasi akuntansi, dan akuntansi sektor publik. Dengan nama yang unik, jurnal ini mengusung semangat untuk menghadirkan kontribusi ilmiah dari, menyeluruh dan mendalam dalam setiap edisi. Diterbitkan secara berkala, "Accounting Az Azukhuruf Journal" menerima manuskrip dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, dengan proses peer-review yang ketat untuk memastikan kualitas dan relevansi setiap artikel yang dipublikasikan.

    Journal Title : Accounting and Audting Azzukhruf Journal
    Initials : AAAJ
    Frequency : Januari, April, Juli, Oktober
    Chief Editor : Dr. Yusuf Faisal., SE.I., M.Ak., M.E
    DOI Prefix
    Publisher : Yayasan Az Zukhruf Cendikia
    Accreditation : Non Sinta



  • Azzukhruf : Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance


    Azzukhruf: Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of Islamic accounting and finance. The journal serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to disseminate original research, critical analyses, and insightful case studies that explore the principles, practices, and innovations within Islamic financial systems and accounting methodologies.

    Aim and Scope

    The journal aims to contribute significantly to the body of literature on Islamic accounting and finance by promoting research that integrates Shariah principles with contemporary financial and accounting practices.  Azzukhruf: Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance seeks to foster interdisciplinary discourse and encourage the development of ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible financial models that align with Islamic values.

    The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics related to Islamic accounting and finance, including theoretical and empirical studies that address current challenges, emerging trends, and future directions in the industry. The journal welcomes contributions that offer new perspectives, propose innovative solutions, and critically evaluate existing practices within both local and global contexts.

    Journal Title : Azzukhruf : Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance
    Initials : AJICF
    Frequency : October and April 
    Chief Editor : Dr. Yusuf Faisal., SE.I., M.Ak., M.E
    DOI Prefix
    Publisher : Yayasan Az Zukhruf Cendikia
    Accreditation : Non Sinta